Wade harrison law
Medicaid, estate planning, probate – all complicated areas. As an attorney with over 35 years of experience in probate, simplifying these issues is at the core of what I offer each client. I am aware of my clients’ needs to put their houses in order and protect their families, representing a broad client base…from young individuals just beginning their financial planning to those who are contemplating retirement and the disposition of their business interests.
I also represent fiduciaries in a wide range of trust and estate matters. Through vital discussions and proper counseling, I actively engage in preserving family harmony and structuring estate plans to reduce friction within the family. I will personally work with you to guide you through the legal process, simplifying even the most complicated of situations.
Medicaid – Long Term Care
The rules and regulations that govern Medicaid eligibility, and the multiple exceptions to those rules, often intimidate, confuse and overwhelm both the public and professionals alike. I have more than twenty-nine years of experience in helping families plan for and achieve Medicaid eligibility for those who require care in long-term care facilities or who seek in-home care through a Medicaid waiver. If you are concerned or even just curious about whether you or a family member might qualify for Medicaid, it always makes sense to get those questions answered sooner than later.
Estate and Trust Administration
My three-years of employment at the probate court taught me that most estates are administered without drama. Cases that wind up in front of the judge usually fit into one of three categories: 1) the family members just are not willing to get along; 2) the governing document is defective or ambiguous; or 3) the complexity of the estate requires the judge’s personal attention. Since 1993, I have represented literally hundreds of executors. My experience at the probate court provided me with a valuable and unique perspective to help executors administer estates smoothly and without drama.
The Probate Court has exclusive jurisdiction to appoint guardians. As a lawyer, I have represented guardians of incompetent adults as well as minors who have come into inheritances. Additionally, I serve as the guardian for my sister who was disabled as a result of a car accident when she was just twenty-two years old, so I also have a unique perspective and understanding, as an immediate family member, when it comes to guardianship cases.
Probate Litigation
Unfortunately, sometimes problems arise after the death of a loved one. In many adversarial court cases, the plaintiff and the defendant hardly know each other. However, in a probate litigation case, the plaintiff and defendant are almost always closely related. Emotions can run hot. Long-standing grudges or repressed hostilities are unfortunately let loose in a very public forum. Often, a litigant’s non-economic toll (heart ache, stress, anxiety, loss of sleep, weight gain or loss, etc.) is greater than whatever dollars might be at stake. In such cases, it is almost always in the best interests of the family members if the case can be settled; if it can’t be, then the relationship between the parties is usually permanently shattered. Accordingly, I take a very cautionary approach towards probate litigation. However, unfortunately, there are certainly cases where justice can only be achieved through the litigation process.
Mental Illness
I’ve learned that we all walk a fine line when it comes to our personal mental health. The pressures facing our society are real and intense and it seems like the gadgets and gizmos that are supposed to make our lives easier have actually made life more difficult and certainly more stressful. Fortunately, many who suffer from mental illness can and do enjoy productive and meaningful lives with strong, significant relationships. However, sadly, there are times when a person’s battle with mental illness can spiral out of control due to any of a myriad of possible reasons. The probate court has the authority, much like a parent, to step in and order the protection and treatment for a person during a mental health crisis. For the past 27 years as court-appointed counsel in psychiatric commitment hearings, I’ve represented hundreds of such individuals, many of whom are justifiably frightened, worried, or just angry that they have been involuntarily detained in a psychiatric hospital. I represent these individuals with sincere care and respect, without judgment or bias. I’ve also represented friends and families of mentally ill individuals in an effort to get them help (safety and treatment) and to maintain their dignity in the community. I know the psychiatric commitment process well. If you have questions or concerns about the mental health of a friend, a family member, or even about yourself, don’t put those questions or concerns off any longer. I’ll do whatever I can to help.
About Wade Harrison
I was born and raised in Columbus. Upon graduation from Worthington Christian High School in 1984, I was fortunate enough to earn partial athletic and academic scholarships at Judson University (Elgin, Illinois) where I studied communications and played four years of varsity soccer.
After college, I returned to Columbus to study law at Capital University Law School during the evening while during the day, I worked at the Franklin County Probate Court where I served as a law clerk to former probate judges Dick Metcalf and Larry Belskis. Since my graduation from law school and admission to the Ohio Bar in 1993, I have practiced exclusively in the areas of probate, estate planning (wills, trusts, powers of attorney), guardianships and long term planning for seniors, including planning and applying for Medicaid eligibility. I also have significant experience as court-appointed counsel for individuals who are allegedly mentally ill and subject to possible court-ordered psychiatric commitment.
My wife, Hope, who I met at college, does her best to keep me and our three sons in line. Although I continued playing soccer for about fifteen years after college, I’ve since retired my cleats. However, I enjoyed coaching through the Northwest Kiwanis youth soccer program for over ten years. I also play guitar and bass with the praise and worship team at church and am part of local cover band, Town and Country.
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